Top 10 IT Blogs
It’s hard to keep up with the latest information technology trends, news, and issues. These blogs offer a range of interesting and thoughtful resources to make sure you know what is influencing and shaping your industry: ITWorld.com: ITworld offers tech decision makers, industry leaders, and other IT influencers a unique environment for gathering and sharing information that will help them do their jobs. This resource has you covered with everything from a short list of key products in a specific product category and advice on how to approach a technical challenge to a quick primer on an emerging technology. Mashable.com/tech: Mashable has the latest news and trends in tech as well as a wide range of other areas. While it may not be the most hard-hitting, it is a great resource for how tech impacts—and is impacted by—daily culture and entertainment. Who doesn’t want to know why Kylie Jenner tanked Snapchat’s value? ZDNetcom: ZDNet brings together the reach of global and the depth of local, delivering 24/7 news coverage and analysis on the trends and tech. Whatever your role in IT, ZDNet provides support, from investigating options to optimizing a solution. This blog is a great resource for professionals seeking to research technology-related issues and solve business technology problems. Blog.Codinghorror.com: Coding Horror is written by Jeff Atwood, an experienced software developer with a particular interest in the human side of software development. He researches things he finds interesting—this is a great resource for real software issues and applications. Wired.com/category/threatlevel/: Wired Threat Level is a well-known blog focused on tech and gear. Wired covers privacy, crime, and security online, digging into...
Top IT Conferences
In our hectic online world, we often forget the value of face-to-face meetings and events. Being active in the IT industry and attending key conferences can bring many benefits and networking opportunities. We have compiled our list of the best IT conferences to put on your calendar. These conferences will keep you up to date on the latest industry trends and provide a wonderful opportunity for networking. Top IT Conferences Grace Hopper | Oct. 4–6 in Orlando, FL Co-founded by Dr. Anita Borg and Dr. Telle Whitney in 1994 and inspired by the legacy of Admiral Grace Murray Hopper, Anita Borg Institute’s Grace Hopper Celebration (GHC) of Women in Computing brings the research and career interests of women in computing to the forefront. GHC is the world’s largest technical conference for women in computing. The conference was named one of the 50 best conferences to attend by The Daily Muse. Each year, women technologists and the best minds in computing convene to highlight the contributions to the field by women. The Anita Borg Institute co-presents GHC with the Association of Computing Machinery (ACM). AGENDA 18, What’s Next in Digital | March 19–21, 2018 in Miami, FL AGENDA is a business leadership conference focused on driving your business forward in changing times. Unlike any other conference, AGENDA is immersive, interactive, and focused on giving you and your colleagues the practical tools to lead change in your organization. Today, it’s all about digital and new technologies that are disrupting companies, industries, and the world. AGENDA is attended by an array of business and technology leaders—including C-level, VPs, and directors (from marketing, operations, finance,...
5 Tech Industries to Watch
Many of these technologies are already buzzing, but some of them—due to recent breakthroughs or more players in the game—seem to be reaching a crescendo. Here, we outline what we see as the top technologies to watch and why: Internet of Things (IoT): We are seeing IoT have an explosive growth in home technology—everything from your fridge to your thermostat. Not only is the technology being added to these devices, it is having an impact in a meaningful way.One reason for such growth is the number of players and marketplaces that are entering the market. This allows for more widespread adoption of this technology, and the next step will be integrated technology—and that is when IoT will take its next great leap forward. Augmented Reality (AR): The lesser-known brother to Virtual Reality (VR), AR is a technology that superimposes a computer-generated image on a user’s view of the real world, thus providing a composite view. It is not all immersive like VR; instead, it lies above or incorporates with the real world (think Pokémon GO!).Instead of kids chasing Pokémon, imagine the business implications. One business, Apple, is imagining in a big way. They have started down an ambitious road to bring AR to everyone—an effort Tim Cook, Apple Inc.’s chief executive, and his team see as the best way for the company to lead the next generation of AR devices.1 Digital Assistant: The most “famous” digital assistants in the market today are Siri, Amazon Echo, and Cortana. The base idea is to make it easier for us to interact and work with technology. While it is...
5 Ways to Use Social Media to Boost Your Job Search
We all know social media can sabotage a job search with embarrassing photos and polarizing comments. However, it can also be a very beneficial tool to add to your job-hunting arsenal—especially in the IT industry, where 76% of recruiters use social media to find candidates. Here are 5 ways to use social media effectively in your job search process: Clean It Up!: Do a full review of all your social media accounts to make sure you have no rude, profane, or discriminatory comments or remarks. Social media is casual, but you still need to make sure you have grammar and spelling in check. 66% of employees said this would cause them to have a negative opinion of a candidate. Most importantly, don’t use social media as a sounding board for your current or past job woes. While they may be justified, a new employer will get nervous that you are negative or a problem employee and move on. Be Where It Counts: LinkedIn is considered to be the most used and professional job search network by many employers, so make sure you are on it. Ensure that your profile is up to date and accurate with your work history and projects. Try to connect with people you have real connections with. Also, make sure to join groups in the industry you are in or looking to enter. One good group to start with is the Job-Hunt Help LinkedIn Group. This platform is also a great tool to look for jobs, boasting one of the most robust job listings. Network: Whether in person or on social media,...
10 Tips to Get Your Resume Ready for the New Year
It’s a new year and the perfect time to start looking for a new job. One of the first steps in that process is reviewing your current resume and updating it to make sure it reflects what you have to offer. Here is our top 10 list of how to ensure your resume holds your potential employer’s attention to ensure you get a second glance: Grammar Check: This is the first, and most important item on our list. Make sure everything is spelled correctly—it’s the easiest way to make a good impression. Grammar not your area of expertise? Have a trusted friend or colleague give it a detailed review. List Your Accomplishments: Communicate to people the value you added to your current and past employers. Don’t simply list off your duties—focus on your accomplishments. For example, “Managed trade shows” should be framed as “Organized largest industry event that generated $100,000 worth of sales and 250 leads.” List concrete examples of how you contributed. Looks Matter: Your resume design should not distract from who you are. Keep it simple, clean, and organized. Use modern fonts—nothing that reminds people of a cartoon or makes people think you are screaming at them. Good fonts to use include Garamond, Gill Sans, Helvetica Neu, Roboto, Avenir, and Georgia. Avoid overused fonts like Times New Roman and Arial, and be sure to keep the font size between 12–14 points. People should not have to squint to read your resume! Length: The one-page rule isn’t set in stone, but what it guides you to do is keep your resume direct and short. Outline...
10 Ways to Jump Start Your Job Search
Do you feel your job search has stalled or never really got started? You must take the right steps to be poised for success. Many of the things causing our search to stall are within our control, which means you can change those factors and move your job search into high gear. 1. The What, Why, Who, and How – Do a full self-evaluation of exactly what you are looking for. Why do you want a new job? Who can help you get that job, connection, or introduction? How do your current skills translate to your career goals? Honing in on what you want, who you are, and how to get it is the first step in a successful career search. 2. Talk, Talk, and Talk – I describe this step as networking reimagined. Break down the preconceptions of traditional networking. Talk to a wide range of people about your search. I once had a colleague who found a job because his father-in-law mentioned the type of job he was looking for to his barber. 3. Be a Joiner – Become involved or attend groups, industry conferences, and associations that center around your next career. This will widen your networking net with the right type of people. In addition, it will help you stay up to date on the latest trends and topics that people are talking about in your sought after trade. 4. Do Something You Hate – Some people hate interviewing. Many times the things we dislike are the skills that don’t come easily. So how do you get better? Practice. If you hate interviewing, do more...
What to Look for When Choosing Your Next Recruiter?
Think of your recruiter as a partner in the job search process. Though we often don’t look at recruiters this way, we should. When you find the right one, you will feel like you’ve found an ally in the next step of your career. Make sure the recruiter with whom you are working has the following: Specialization – You are looking for a job in a specific industry that matches your skills and experience. The recruiter should also specialize in that industry. That person must know your field of focus well, what is is trending, what skill sets should be emphasized, and what companies are growing.They should also have relationships with the right companies. The advantage of working with a specialized recruiter is access to many postings. Employers will only list through recruiters who know their business and have previously brought them great candidates. Personality – If you cringe every time the recruiter calls, neither of you will be motivated to work together. While you don’t need to be best friends, the relationship should be more than amicable You won’t only need a recruiter’s services once, but several times over a career. Establishing a relationship is extremely beneficial to long term success. Communication – Your resume is just a starting point. You need to be able to clearly communicate your skill set, for what you are looking, and what you have to offer. Be sure to outline your non-negotiable requirements and those on which you are willing to compromise. This will assist them in connecting you with companies and positions that meet your criteria. Nothing can be...
Top 5 Trends that will Shape Tomorrow’s Technology Careers
The world of technology is changing at a rapid pace. You can hardly keep up the developments or anticipate the next “big thing.” We have pulled together the top 5 trends that will impact the future of information technology jobs. One thing is certain, the outlook for IT jobs is very promising. The Bureau of Labor Statistics states “information technology occupations are projected to grow 12 percent from 2014 to 2024, faster than the average for all occupations. These occupations are expected to add about 488,500 new jobs from 2014 to 2024.” Top 5 Trends to Watch: Cloud Computing – The majority of companies have or will be using some aspect of Cloud computing. The future of Cloud computing will straddle both private and public clouds adding new challenges to the role if IT. The increased use of cloud computing will put a premium on skill sets in Perl, Ruby, Ruby on Rails, Python, Java and JavaScript, including those comfortable with API development and a DevOps environment. It will also mean a strategic shift in the mindset of many IT professionals from working with equipment to applications. Data, Data, and More Data – Business has become a generator and collector of data. We want more data to make better and smarter decisions. With all this data we need new roles and skills to mange and analyze it in ways that are meaningful to business. The new roles include data architects, data integration engineers, IT planning analysts, along with growth in current roles like data and software engineers. In addition, more leadership roles will emerge to help guide the...